Pipeline with inadequate or even no depth of cover may result from either natural or human causes, endangering the normal operation of pipeline. 由于自然或人为因素的影响,造成埋地管道覆土不足,甚至裸露,危及管道的安全运行。
The monitor system used in erection of oilfield oil transportation pipeline against leaks can ensure the safe operation of the pipeline, has obvious economic returns and social benefits. 在油田输油管道安装泄漏监测系统可以确保管道安全运行,具有明显的经济效益和社会效益。
The authors point out that only after selecting rational operating mode and control mode of pump unit can the safe and steady operation of pipeline be ensured. 提出只有选择工艺合理的泵机组运行方式和控制方式,才能实现成品油管道的安全平稳运行。
If the coefficient is insufficient in design, the operation of pipeline will not be safe, and on the contrary, it will not be cost-effective in pipeline investment. 若壁厚安全系数过大,将造成较大的投资浪费,过小则会影响管道的安全运行。
For the operation of gas pipeline, the gas throughput and pressure are different due to the different consumers. 天然气管道在实际运行时,由于用户种类不同,对气量和压力的要求相去甚远。
With the rapid development of domestic oil and gas pipelines, pipeline leak detection, which is an important means for guaranteeing the safe operation of the pipeline, has reached a thorough study. 随着国内石油天然气管道的迅速发展,泄漏检测作为保障管道运行安全的重要手段被深入研究。
It also encourages them to invest in the construction and operation of coal pipeline transportation facilities. 同样鼓励他们投资煤炭管道运输设备的建设和运转。
According to the former design experiences of automation system for long-distance gas transmission pipeline, a project of automation control system fitting for safety and expedient operation of pipeline was put forward on the basis of the characteristics and requirements of the West-East Gas Transmission Pipeline. 结合以往国内外天然气长输管道自动化系统的设计经验,根据西气东输管道的特点和需求,提出了适合于该管道安全、高效运营的自动控制系统方案。
The optimization design principle of products batch transportation pipeline is that the investment and operational cost must be minimized to cut down the contaminated loss in the precondition of safe and reliable operation of pipeline. 成品油顺序输送管道优化设计的原则为,在安全可靠完成输送任务的前提下,尽量节约投资及运行费用,减少混油造成的损失。
The problems existing in the traditional construction and operation of pipeline were analyzed. The constructive contents in all stage of pipeline construction such as feasibility study, reconnaissance design, project construction and pipeline operation were discussed. 结合数字化管道的特点,分析了传统管道建设和运营中存在的问题,提出了管道工程建设在可行性研究、勘察设计、工程施工和管道运营等各个阶段的建设内容。
Risk analysis is an efficiency method to reduce accident loss, save repair cost, and make ensure the safety operation of pipeline. 对在役管道进行风险评估是减少事故损失、节约维修资金、保障管道安全营运的有效途径。
This article analyses and introduces that pipeline realization technique, the pipeline operation and the pipeline relational management. 本文就流水线技术的实现技术、流水线操作和流水线相关处理作分析和介绍。
Taking PLC as a control kernal of pumping station of SCADA system, the automatic control capability of pipeline and the productivity of labour can be increased in order to ensure the safe operation of pipeline. 以PLC作为站控系统核心的监视控制和数据采集系统,可以提高管道的自动化控制水平,降低操作人员的劳动强度,保证输油管道安全运行。
During transportation by pipeline, a little natural gas may form hydrate due to landforms, weather and pipeline conditions, which can result in pipeline block and affect safe operation of pipeline. 天然气管道输送过程中因地貌、气象及各种管道条件而使少量天然气形成水合物,导致堵塞管线,影响管线的安全运行。
Thus it is of highly significance to improve the regional ecosystem function and practical for the safe operation of pipeline to control the water and soil loss along the pipeline with the purpose of establishing a friendly environmental system. 如何控制管道工程沿线地区的水土流失,加强区域友好环境的构建,不仅对于提高区域生态系统的功能具有重要意义,而且对于管道工程的安全运行具有重要的实际价值。
For the initially commissioned gas transmission pipeline, foreign materials such as soil, water and light oil will enter into pipe, which is hazardous to the operation of pipeline and some facilities. 在天然气长输管道投产初期,因各种原因会产生一些威胁管道安全运行的问题,如管内存在泥土、水、轻质油等有害物质,若不及时清除,将会堵塞管道及相关设备。
To ensure economic and safe operation of the pipeline, the suitable pigging plan is worked out. 为了确保津京输油管道的经济安全运行,提出了适合目前运行方式的清管方案。
It thoroughly considers the timing and resource constraints of scheduling, multiple cycles operation and chained operation, pipeline and non-pipeline units and also considers the conditional branches operations. 它全面地考虑了调度问题的时间约束与资源约束、多周期操作与链式操作,流水线功能单元与非流水线功能单元以及分枝操作的调度问题。
The preferred manner to transport oil, gas and petroleum product is pipeline, while the most important work for operator to do is to maintain safe operation of pipeline. 管道已成为输送石油、天然气和成品油的首选方式,而管道安全运行是管道运营管理的首要条件。
The operating condition of the pipeline in fall and winter displays that the pipeline section in No. 2 Tanghe Pumping Station can be operated with bypass operation after the PPD added, which can meet the needs of low-throughput operation of pipeline, and can obtain economic profits. 对秋、冬季管道的运行工况进行了分析测试,管道加剂后可以实现唐河2号站越站运行,能满足管道低输量运行的需要,提高了经济效益。
How to make the backfilled soil of pipeline trench stabilized in an effective manner is a major concern for the normal operation of pipeline. 如何采取有效的手段保持管沟回填土,是涉及管道正常运营的大问题。
Performing Taxation Management and Operation for Pipeline Contract Project in Thailand 在泰国从事管道承包工程的税金管理与操作
The effects of corrosion rate, defect depth, thickness of pipe and operation pressure on pipeline reliability were investigated with this model. 利用这一模型,研究了腐蚀速率、缺陷深度、管道壁厚和工作压力等因素对管线可靠性的影响。
The deterioration of corrosion of long-distance pipeline, the damages and spalling of protecting layer have imposed great threats to the reliable operation of pipeline. 长输管道腐蚀问题日趋严重,防护层存在的破损、剥离等缺陷对管道安全运行构成极大威胁。
Scientific analysis method was applied to harm identification and analysis of hidden accident danger related to operation of pipeline oil transportation, and harm factors were correctly evaluated and analyzed. 应用科学分析方法,识别与管道输油生产作业相关的危害及其影响和事故隐患,并对危害因素进行正确的评价和分析。
The operating parameters can be determined and a reasonable startup project will be worked out through numerical simulation which provides technical support of protecting the safe operation of pipeline. 通过数值模拟,可以确定管道停输后再启动的运行参数,合理的制定启动方案,为保障管道的安全运行提供技术支持。
Oil-gas stations as the key link to ensure safety and smooth operation of pipeline, Assume an important role on pressurize 、 measurement and transmission. 油气场站作为保障管道安全平稳运行的关键环节,承担着油气的增压、计量、分输等重要作用。
In order to curb crime stolen, prevent the loss of crude oil, and to maintain the normal operation of pipeline. 为了遏制盗油犯罪现象,防止原油损失,维护管道的正常运行。
However, with the frequent occurrence of pipeline accidents, the safe operation of pipeline has been increasingly paid attention on. 然而,随着管道事故的频繁发生,管道的安全运行也日益受到人们的重视。
To the economical and safe operation of pipeline transportation, Fan losses, as well as environmental protection, safe operation of pipeline fluid condition monitoring has become an extremely important task. 对于管道运输的经济安全运行、防盗损失、以及环境保护,流体输送管道安全运行状态监测成为了一项极为重要的任务。